General information
The project BMP1/1.3/2532/2017 "i3 - Education for ideas, inventions and innovations for entrepreneurship" is financed by the Transnational Cooperation Programme "Balkan-Mediterranean" 2014-2020.
The Programme is funded by the European Union (EU) through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) and co-financed by the countries that fall within its territorial scope - Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and FYR Macedonia. Support from the ERDF receive the three current Member States - Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece, while Albania and FYR Macedonia are supported by IPA.
Map of the eligible area of the Programme
The Programme
The Transnational Cooperation Programme "Balkan - Mediterranean" 2014-2020 is a structural tool for enhancing cooperation in the programme area, capitalizing on the experience and results achieved so far. Accordingly, the programme supports the sharing of know-how, experience, as well as the improvement of the policy implementation and the interaction between national, regional and local authorities and other key stakeholders throughout the programme area.
Based on the analysis of the needs and challenges faced by these countries concerning mainly the territorial competitiveness and environmental protection, the programme supports measures in two priority areas:
- Priority Axis 1 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation;
- Priority Area 2 - Environment.
The project BMP1/1.3/2532/2017 "i3 - Education for ideas, inventions and innovations for entrepreneurship" is realized under PA1 "Entrepreneurship and Innovation", thematic objective 10 - Investments in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning”.
The project implementation is directly related to the objectives and priorities of the programme and will directly contribute to the achievement of the planned results and indicators of this priority, while contributing to sustainable territorial development, cooperation and competitiveness of the programme area.
General objective of the Project “i3”
The objective of the Project “i3” is to support regional development, cooperation and competitiveness of the target area of the Transnational Cooperation Programme "Balkan - Mediterranean" 2014-2020 by developing, implementing and promoting a model for entrepreneurial learning and knowledge transfer (model i3 - Ideas, Inventions, Innovations) for students and young entrepreneurs.
Project activities
The project activities aimed at achieving the objective and the result of the Project “i3” include:
- Work package 2
- Information and publicity activities
- Work package 3
- Preparatory activities – elaborating methodology for compatibility of the analysis to be performed in each participating country, carrying out analysis in the 5 countries on the 5 themes/sectors of the model “i3”, elaborating in detail the model “i3” (Ideas, Inventions, Innovations) and the strategy for its promotion and application
- Work package 4
- Implementation activities – elaborating methodology for selection of participants in the training seminars, selecting trainees, developing the core and specific training materials and organizing the seminars for a total of 250 trainees from all participating countries
- Work package 5
- Expansion activities – organizing the final “i3” entrepreneurship fair and conference for analysing and promoting the project results
Expected results
The expected result from the implementation of the project is the introduction of the model "i3" (Ideas, Inventions, Innovations), intended to become a recognizable trademark of a tool for promotion of creative, innovative and focused entrepreneurial thinking.
The partners
The project partners originate from all 5 participating countries in the Programme and have the necessary competences to support innovative entrepreneurship by supporting cooperation between stakeholders, education, training, exchange of knowledge and experience.
- Lead Partner
- Bulgaria Economic Forum, Sofia, Bulgaria, - Partner 2 (Initiator of the project)
- Association “Committee Italy-Bulgaria 2013”, Sofia, Bulgaria, - Partner 3
- Technological Education Institute of Western Greece, Patras, Greece, - Partner 4
- Centre for Knowledge Management, Skopje, FYR Macedonia, - Partner 5
- Albania Centre for Sustainable Development, Tirana, Albania
- Partner 6
- Cyprus International Institute of Management, Nicosia, Cyprus,